Date | Dog | Result | Location | |
25.10.2020 | Pet Pursuit I Did It My Way | JBOB, JCAC, BOB & ESTW-20 & ESTJW-20 | Estonia Winner INT @ Tallinn, Estonia | |
17.10.2020 | Progeny Class - As You Wish From Taste Of Ambrosia | BEST IN SHOW -progeny class | Tibetan Terrier Speciality show @ Finland | Judge - Aaltonen Pirjo, FI |
17.10.2020 | Pet Pursuit - Breedes Class | 3/5, HP | Tibetan Terrier Speciality show @ Finland | Judge - Aaltonen Pirjo, FI |
17.10.2020 | As You Wish From Taste Of Ambrosia | EXC 3/4, CQ | Tibetan Terrier Speciality show @ Finland | Judge - Aaltonen Pirjo, FI |
17.10.2020 | Pet Pursuit Fortune Hunter | EXC 4/11, CQ | Tibetan Terrier Speciality show @ Finland | Judge - Aaltonen Pirjo, FI |
17.10.2020 | Pet Pursuit Pet Pursuit Fine-I-Shine | EXC 3/11, CQ | Tibetan Terrier Speciality show @ Finland | Judge - Aaltonen Pirjo, FI |
17.10.2020 | Pet Pursuit Blazing Wish | EXC | Tibetan Terrier Speciality show @ Finland | Judge - Aaltonen Pirjo, FI |
17.10.2020 | Pet Pursuit Gold Edition | EXC 3/7, CQ | Tibetan Terrier Speciality show @ Finland | Judge - Aaltonen Pirjo, FI |
17.10.2020 | Pet Pursuit It Had To Be You | EXC 1/11, CQ, ”BF5”, JBOS, R-CAC | Tibetan Terrier Speciality show @ Finland | Judge - Aaltonen Pirjo, FI |
17.10.2020 | Pet Pursuit Impossible Is Nothing | EXC 4/11, CQ | Tibetan Terrier Speciality show @ Finland | Judge - Aaltonen Pirjo, FI |
17.10.2020 | Pet Pursuit Finspiration | EXC 3/6, CQ | Tibetan Terrier Speciality show @ Finland | Judge - Aaltonen Pirjo, FI |
17.10.2020 | Pet Pursuit Click A Brick | EXC 2/4, CQ | Tibetan Terrier Speciality show @ Finland | Judge - Aaltonen Pirjo, FI |
17.10.2020 | Pet Pursuit If This Is It | EXC 3/11, CQ | Tibetan Terrier Speciality show @ Finland | Judge - Aaltonen Pirjo, FI |
17.10.2020 | Pet Pursuit Just My Style | HP, 2/3 | Tibetan Terrier Speciality show @ Finland | Judge - Aaltonen Pirjo, FI |
27.09.2020 | Bon Hiladel Zelda Pet Pursuit | EXC/1, JCAC, BOS => LT JCH | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
27.09.2020 | Bon Hiladel Ink-Is-Pink Pet Pursuit | EXC/1, N CAC => LT CH | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
27.09.2020 | Pet Pursuit It Had To Be You | HP, BOB-puppy & BEST IN SHOW 3-puppy | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
27.09.2020 | Pet Pursuit Herradura Splash | EXC/1, r-CACIB, CAC | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
27.09.2020 | Jo-Mo Tingri | EXC/1, JCAC => LT JCH | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
27.09.2020 | Kalareta Dark Diamond For Pet Pursuit | EXC/1, JCAC | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
27.09.2020 | Pet Pursuit Lickytunk | EXC/1, N SERT, CACIB, BOS => LT CH | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
26.09.2020 | Bon Hiladel Ambassador Pet Pursuit | EXC/1, JCAC => LT JCH & BALTJW-20 | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
26.09.2020 | Bon Hiladel Fury Pet Pursuit | EXC/1, LT CAC => LT CH | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
26.09.2020 | Bon Hiladel Zelda Pet Pursuit | EXC/1, JCAC, BOS & BALTJW-20 | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
26.09.2020 | Pet Pursuit It Had To Be You | HP, BOB-puppy | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
26.09.2020 | As You Wish From Taste Of Ambrosia | EXC/1, VCAC, BOS => LT & BALT VCH & BALTVW-20 | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
26.09.2020 | Pet Pursuit Herradura Splash | EXC/1, r-CACIB, CAC => LT CH | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
26.09.2020 | Jo-Mo Tingri | EXC/2 | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
26.09.2020 | Pet Pursuit Ice ’N Fire At Kalareta | EXC/1, r-CACIB, CAC => LT CH | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
26.09.2020 | Pet Pursuit His Master’s Voice At Kalareta | EXC/1, r-CACIB, CAC => LT CH | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
26.09.2020 | Kalareta Dark Diamond For Pet Pursuit | EXC/1, JCAC, BOB-junior & BALTJW-20 => LT JCH | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
26.09.2020 | Pet Pursuit Lickytunk | EXC/1, N SERT, CACIB, BOB & BALTW-20 | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
25.09.2020 | Bon Hiladel Ambassador Pet Pursuit | EXC/1, JCAC | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
25.09.2020 | Bon Hiladel Fury Pet Pursuit | EXC/1, LT CAC | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
25.09.2020 | Bon Hiladel Zelda Pet Pursuit | EXC/2 | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
25.09.2020 | Bon Hiladel Ink-Is-Pink Pet Pursuit | EXC/1, N CAC BOS | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
25.09.2020 | Pet Pursuit It Had To Be You | HP, BOB-puppy & BEST IN SHOW-puppy | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
25.09.2020 | Pet Pursuit Herradura Splash | EXC/1, r-CACIB, CAC | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
25.09.2020 | Jo-Mo Tingri | EXC/1, JCAC | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
25.09.2020 | Pet Pursuit Ice ’N Fire At Kalareta | EXC/1, r-CACIB, CAC | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
25.09.2020 | Pet Pursuit His Master’s Voice At Kalareta | EXC/1, r-CACIB, CAC | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
25.09.2020 | Kalareta Dark Diamond For Pet Pursuit | EXC/1, JCAC, BOB-junior, BOS | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
25.09.2020 | Pet Pursuit Lickytunk | EXC/1, N SERT, CACIB | International dogshow @ Palanga, Lithuania | |
20.09.2020 | Pet Pursuit Luxray | EXC/1, CQ, BM1, CAC, BOB | Groupshow @ Hyvinkää, Finland | Judge - Kaisa Metteri-Gold, FI |
06.09.2020 | Pet Pursuit His Master’s Voice At Kalareta | EXC/1, CQ, CAC, CACIB, BOS => BY CH | International dogshow @ Minsk, Belarus | |
06.09.2020 | Pet Pursuit Ice ’N Fire At Kalareta | EXC/1, CQ, CAC, CACIB, BOB => BY CH | International dogshow @ Minsk, Belarus | |
05.09.2020 | Pet Pursuit Ice ’N Fire At Kalareta | EXC/1, CQ, CAC, CACIB, BOB & BYW-20 | International dogshow @ Minsk, Belarus | |
30.08.2020 | Pet Pursuit It Had To Be You | HP, BOB-puppy & BEST IN SHOW-puppy | National dogshow @ Haapsalu, Estonia | |
29.08.2020 | Pet Pursuit It Had To Be You | HP, BOB-puppy | National dogshow @ Haapsalu, Estonia | |
22.08.2020 | Pet Pursuit Index In The End | EXC/1, CQ, BM2, CAC => FI, EST, SE, NO, DK & LT CH | Groupshow @ Ylöjärvi, Finland | |
16.08.2020 | Pet Pursuit Luxray | EXC/1, CQ, BM1, CAC, CACIB, BOB | International dogshow @ Harju, Estonia | |
15.08.2020 | Pet Pursuit Luxray | EXC/1, CQ, BM1, CAC, CACIB, BOB & TLNW-20 | Tallinn Winner INT @ Estonia | |
14.08.2020 | Pet Pursuit Luxray | EXC/1, CQ, BM2 | Speciality show @ Estonia | |
14.08.2020 | Pet Pursuit Index In The End | EXC/1, CQ, CAC, BOB => EST CH | Speciality show @ Estonia | |
08.08.2020 | Pet Pursuit Fame 'N Fortune At Kalareta | EXC/1, CQ, CAC, BOS | National dogshow @ Romania | |
08.08.2020 | Pet Pursuit Ex Animo Ad Kalareta | EXC/1, CQ, CAC, BOB | National dogshow @ Romania | |
01.08.2020 | Pet Pursuit Fame 'N Fortune At Kalareta | EXC/1, CQ, CAC, BOS | National dogshow @ Debrecen, Hungary | |
01.08.2020 | Pet Pursuit Ex Animo Ad Kalareta | EXC/1, CQ, CAC, BOB | National dogshow @ Debrecen, Hungary | |
26.07.2020 | Pet Pursuit Fame 'N Fortune At Kalareta | EXC/1, CQ, CAC, CACIB, BOB | International dogshow @ Split, Croatia | |
26.07.2020 | Pet Pursuit Ex Animo Ad Kalareta | EXC, CQ, CAC, CACIB | International dogshow @ Split, Croatia | |
25.07.2020 | Pet Pursuit Fame 'N Fortune At Kalareta | EXC/1, CQ, CAC, CACIB, BOS | International dogshow @ Split, Croatia | |
25.07.2020 | Pet Pursuit Ex Animo Ad Kalareta | EXC/1, CQ, CAC, CACIB, BOB | International dogshow @ Split, Croatia | |
24.07.2020 | Pet Pursuit Fame 'N Fortune At Kalareta | EXC/1, CQ, CAC, CACIB, BOB & SPLITW-20 | International dogshow @ Split, Croatia | |
24.07.2020 | Pet Pursuit Ex Animo Ad Kalareta | EXC/1, CQ, CAC, CACIB, BOS & SPLITW-20 | International dogshow @ Split, Croatia | |
23.07.2020 | Pet Pursuit Fame 'N Fortune At Kalareta | EXC/1, CQ, CAC, CACIB, BOB | International dogshow @ Split, Croatia | |
19.07.2020 | Pet Pursuit Ex Animo Ad Kalareta | EXC/1, CQ, CAC, CACIB, BOB | International dogshow @ Asenovgrod, Bulgaria | |
18.07.2020 | Pet Pursuit Ex Animo Ad Kalareta | EXC/1, CQ, CAC, CACIB, BOB & BALKAN W-20 => BG GR CH | International dogshow @ Asenovgrod, Bulgaria | |
17.07.2020 | Pet Pursuit Ex Animo Ad Kalareta | EXC/1, CQ, CAC, CACIB, BOB & BIG-3 => BG CH | International dogshow @ Asenovgrod, Bulgaria | |
16.07.2020 | Pet Pursuit Ex Animo Ad Kalareta | EXC/1, CQ, CAC, CACIB, BOB | International dogshow @ Asenovgrod, Bulgaria | |
06.03.2020 | Bon Hiladel Fury Pet Pursuit | EXC/1, CQ, JCAC, JBOB=> LT JCH | International dogshow @ Vilnius, Lithuania | |
01.03.2020 | Pet Pursuit Hall Of Fame | EXC 1/5, CQ, CAC, CACIB, BOB => IS CH & Northern Lights W-20 & BEST IN GROUP-4 | International dogshow @ Iceland | |
01.03.2020 | Pet Pursuit Lumineon For Salome Saints | EXC/1, CQ, JCAC, JBOB, BF3, R-CAC & Northern Lights JW-20 | International dogshow @ Iceland | |
23.02.2020 | Pet Pursuit Fine-I-Shine | EXC/1, CAC, CACIB, BOB | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
23.02.2020 | Pet Pursuit Finspiration | EXC/1, CAC, CACIB, BOS | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
23.02.2020 | Pet Pursuit Fame 'N Fortune At Kalareta | EXC/1, CAC, CACIB, BOS | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
23.02.2020 | Pet Pursuit Ice ’N Fire At Kalareta | EXC/1, CAC, (R-)CACIB | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
23.02.2020 | Pet Pursuit Ex Animo Ad Kalareta | EXC/1, CAC, CACIB, BOB | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
23.02.2020 | Pet Pursuit His Master’s Voice At Kalareta | EXC/1, CAC, (R-)CACIB => SI & DK CH & C.I.B | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
23.02.2020 | Pet Pursuit Inside Out | EXC/1, CAC | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
22.02.2020 | Pet Pursuit | BIS-3-breeder | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | Ex Animo ad Kalareta, Blue Sensation, Ice 'N Fire at Kalareta, Fame 'N Fortune at Kalareta |
22.02.2020 | Pet Pursuit Fine-I-Shine | EXC/1, CAC, CACIB, BOS | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
22.02.2020 | Pet Pursuit Finspiration | EXC/1, CAC, CACIB, BOB | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
22.02.2020 | Pet Pursuit Blue Sensation | EXC/1, CAC, CACIB, BOS | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
22.02.2020 | Pet Pursuit Fame 'N Fortune At Kalareta | EXC/1, CAC, R-CACIB | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
22.02.2020 | Pet Pursuit Ice ’N Fire At Kalareta | EXC/1, CAC | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
22.02.2020 | Pet Pursuit Ex Animo Ad Kalareta | EXC/1, CAC, CACIB, BOB => SI CH | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
22.02.2020 | Pet Pursuit His Master’s Voice At Kalareta | EXC/1, CAC | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
22.02.2020 | Pet Pursuit Inside Out | EXC/1, CAC, (R-)CACIB | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
16.02.2020 | Pet Pursuit Extremes Meet | EXC/1, CAC, CACIB, BM1, BOS => EST & BALT CH & C.I.B | International dogshow @ Tallinn, Estonia | |
02.02.2020 | Pet Pursuit Keep It Real For Silky’s Dream | EXC/1, VDH CAC, KFT CAC, BF1, BOB | Terrier speciality @ Reinsberg, Germany | |
26.01.2020 | Bon Hiladel Ink-Is-Pink Pet Pursuit | EXC/2, R-JCAC | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
26.01.2020 | Bon Hiladel Fury Pet Pursuit | EXC/1, JCAC, BOS => SK JCH | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
26.01.2020 | As You Wish From Taste Of Ambrosia | EXC/1, CAC, VA-CACIB | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
26.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Holiday Hopper | EXC/1, JCAC, JBOB=> SK JCH & BEST IN GROUP-3-junior | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
26.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Just So Adore-A-Ball | EXC/1, CAC, CACIB, BOB | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
26.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Lickytunk | EXC/1, JCAC, JBOB=> SK JCH & BIG-1-junior & BEST IN SHOW-2-junior | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
26.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Fifth Element | EXC/1, CAC, CACIB, BOS | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
26.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Luxray | EXC/1, JCAC, JBOS=> SK JCH | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
25.01.2020 | Bon Hiladel Ink-Is-Pink Pet Pursuit | EXC/3 | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
25.01.2020 | Bon Hiladel Fury Pet Pursuit | EXC/1, JCAC, JBOB, BOB & BEST IN GROUP-2 | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
25.01.2020 | As You Wish From Taste Of Ambrosia | EXC/2, R-CAC, R-CACIB | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
25.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Holiday Hopper | EXC/1, JCAC, JBOB | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
25.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Just So Adore-A-Ball | EXC/1, CAC, CACIB, BOB | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
25.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Lickytunk | EXC/1, JCAC, JBOB | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
25.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Fifth Element | EXC/1, CAC, CACIB, BOS | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
25.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Luxray | EXC/1, JCAC, JBOS | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
24.01.2020 | Bon Hiladel Ink-Is-Pink Pet Pursuit | EXC/2 | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
24.01.2020 | Bon Hiladel Fury Pet Pursuit | EXC/1, JCAC, JBOB | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
24.01.2020 | As You Wish From Taste Of Ambrosia | EXC/1, CAC, CACIB, BOB | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
24.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Holiday Hopper | EXC/1, JCAC, JBOS | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
24.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Just So Adore-A-Ball | EXC/1, CAC, CACIB, BOB | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
24.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Lickytunk | EXC/1, JCAC, JBOB | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
24.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Fifth Element | EXC/1, CAC, CACIB, BOS | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
24.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Luxray | EXC/1, JCAC, JBOS | International dogshow @ Nitra, Slovakia | |
19.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Earth Will Shake | EXC/1, CQ, BM1, BOB & BEST IN GROUP-4 | National dogshow @ Daugavpils, Latvia | |
19.01.2020 | Bon Hiladel Ink-Is-Pink Pet Pursuit | EXC/1, CQ, JCAC, JBOS, BF1, BOS | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
19.01.2020 | Bon Hiladel Fury Pet Pursuit | EXC/1, CQ, JCAC, JBOB, BM1, BOB | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
19.01.2020 | As You Wish From Taste Of Ambrosia | EXC/1, CQ, VCAC, VBOB, BF1, BOB => SI VCH & BIS-3-veteran | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
19.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Holiday Hopper | EXC/1, CQ, JCAC, JBOB | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
19.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Just So Adore-A-Ball | EXC/1, CQ, CAC, CACIB, BF1, BOB | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
19.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Lickytunk | VG/1 | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
19.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Fifth Element | VG/1 | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
19.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Luxray | EXC/1 | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
18.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Earth Will Shake | EXC/1, CQ, BM1, CAC, BOB => LT & BALT CH | National dogshow @ Daugavpils, Latvia | |
18.01.2020 | Bon Hiladel Ink-Is-Pink Pet Pursuit | EXC/1, CQ, JCAC, JBOB, BF1, BOB & SIJW-20 | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
18.01.2020 | Bon Hiladel Fury Pet Pursuit | EXC/1, CQ, JCAC, JBOS, BM1, BOS & SIJW-20 | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
18.01.2020 | As You Wish From Taste Of Ambrosia | EXC/1, CQ, CAC, CACIB, BF1, BOB & SIW-20 | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
18.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Holiday Hopper | EXC/1, CQ, JCAC, JBOS, BF2 & SIJW-20 | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
18.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Just So Adore-A-Ball | EXC/1, CQ, CAC, CACIB, BF1, BOB & SIW-20 | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
18.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Lickytunk | EXC/1, CQ, JCAC, JBOS, BF2 & SIJW-20 | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
18.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Fifth Element | EXC/1, CQ, CAC, CACIB, BM1, BOS & SIW-20 => SI CH & C.I.B | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
18.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Luxray | EXC/1, CQ, JCAC, JBOB, BM2 & SIJW-20 | International dogshow @ Celje, Slovenia | |
12.01.2020 | As You Wish From Taste Of Ambrosia | EXC/1, CQ, BF1, BOB-veteran & BOS | International dogshow @ Kajaani, Finland | |
11.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Just So Adore-A-Ball | EXC/1, CAC, CACIB, BF1, BOS | International dogshow @ Kajaani, Finland | |
11.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Luxray | EXC/1, CQ, R-CAC, BM3 | International dogshow @ Kajaani, Finland | |
11.01.2020 | Pet Pursuit Going To A Go-Go | EXC/1, CQ, CACIB, BM1, BOB & BEST IN GROUP-2 | International dogshow @ Kajaani, Finland | |